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Tag: Caregiving

Baby boomer caregivers more often have chronic health conditions and frequent mental distress than noncaregivers

Health Worse for Baby Boomer Caregivers Versus Noncaregivers

More caregivers have at least one chronic health condition, more often have frequent mental distress
Children in grandparent-led households are much more likely to have a history of adverse childhood experiences

Adverse Experiences More Common Among Children Raised by Grandparents

ADHD also more common for preschool-age, school-age children in grandparent-headed households
The obscurity and imprecision of terms related to chronic kidney disease can be distressing for patients

Some Kidney Disease-Related Terms Cause Patient Distress

Some language used to describe kidney health may distress patients and impair decision making
High spirituality among stroke survivors may moderate the association between care partner depressive symptomatology and quality of life for survivors and their care partners

Spirituality May Have Protective Effect on QOL for Stroke Survivors

Spirituality may moderate link between care partner depressive symptoms and survivor psychological QOL
Almost 20 percent of informal caregivers in the United States report being in fair or poor health

CDC: 19.2 Percent of Unpaid Caregivers in Fair, Poor Health

State-to-state variation ranges from 11.7 percent in Minnesota to 34.4 percent in Puerto Rico
Unpaid adult caregivers are at higher risk for not having insurance and putting off necessary health services due to cost

Caregivers Are in Need of Better Health Care Coverage, Access

Caregivers at greater risk for lack of coverage, not accessing needed health care due to costs
Many family or unpaid caregivers report never speaking with older adults' health care workers

Many Family Caregivers Never Speak to Health Care Workers

Likelihood of being asked about needing help up for those who interacted often with health care workers
Few child care center directors report having an influenza vaccine requirement for children and adult caregivers

Few Child Care Centers Report Flu Vaccine Requirements

Having state influenza vaccine law for children predicted child influenza vaccine requirement
Elder abuse is most commonly committed by family members

Elder Abuse Most Commonly Perpetrated by Family Members

Financial abuse was most common type of elder abuse identified
For older adults initiating dialysis

Functional Decline Seen in Many Older Adults Initiating Dialysis

Prevalence of high caregiver burden increased after initiation of dialysis