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Tag: Cancer: Uterine

Despite the safety of ovarian conservation

Ovarian Conservation Safe in Endometrial Cancer, but Use Low

Findings among premenopausal women undergoing hysterectomy
Dozens of gynecologists

Doctors Rally in Support of Morcellator Use Curbed by FDA

Agency overstated odds of power morcellator spreading cancer, review group says
For women with uterine cancer

Robotic Surgery May Be Superior to Laparoscopic for Uterine CA

Robotic is more costly, but results in shorter length of stay and greater rate of lymph node dissection
In 2012

Minimally Invasive Hysterectomy May Be Underused

Racial disparities associated with use of the procedure for uterine, cervical cancers
The incidence of endometrial cancers is elevated for women across all racial/ethnic groups

Incidence of Endometrial Cancer on the Rise Across Racial Groups

Non-Hispanic black women have higher incidence and lower survival across all stages and subtypes
The American Society of Clinical Oncology has endorsed postoperative radiation therapy guidelines for endometrial cancer

ASCO Endorses ASTRO Guidelines for Endometrial Cancer

Qualifications to guidelines include stronger statements in favor of chemotherapy in some cases
Robotic surgery is safe and feasible for the surgical management of morbidly obese patients with endometrial cancer

Robotic Sx Viable for Morbidly Obese With Endometrial Cancer

No differences in blood loss, complication rates, survival for morbidly obese, lower-weight patients
Adhering to a Mediterranean diet may significantly reduce a woman's risk of endometrial cancer

Mediterranean Diet Might Lower Endometrial Cancer Risk

Women who followed it most closely saw significant reduction in risk
The use of power morcellation to remove fibroids in the uterus can end up spreading bits of hidden cancerous tumors throughout the abdomen

Cancer Prevalence Low in Power Morcellation Fibroid Removal

Researchers call the findings 'reassuring,' but FDA warnings remain for older women
High versus low intake of coffee is associated with a reduced risk for endometrial cancer

High Coffee Intake Linked With Lower Risk of Endometrial Cancer

Women benefited from drinking about four cups daily