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Tag: Cancer: Uterine

For obese women

Levonorgestrel IUD Potentially Cost-Effective in Obese Women

Intrauterine device is potentially cost-effective for prevention of deaths from endometrial cancer
For women with surgically staged IA or IB endometrial adenocarcinoma

Vaginal Brachytherapy Cuts Mortality in Early Uterine Cancer

Reduction in mortality for stage IA and IB disease; radiotherapy underused in this population
Women with BRCA mutations undergoing risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy do not have increased risk for uterine cancer

BRCA1 Mutations May Raise Risk of Serous/Serous-Like Uterine CA

Although overall risk for uterine cancer after risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy not increased
Operative hysteroscopy does not reduce recurrent bleeding in women with postmenopausal bleeding

Operative Hysteroscopy Doesn’t Cut Postmenopausal Bleeding

No significant reduction in recurrent bleeding for women with postmenopausal bleeding
Implementing a bundle of evidence-based practices can reduce 30-day surgical site infection

Bundle of Practices Can Cut Surgical Site Infections

Implementing bundle of evidence-based practices can reduce 30-day surgical site infections
For women treated for stage I endometrial cancer

Telephone Follow-Up Effective for Stage I Endometrial Cancer

Nurse-based telephone follow-up noninferior to traditional hospital based follow-up
In apparent uterine-confined endometrial cancer

Marker IDs More Lymph Node Mets in Endometrial Cancer

Addition of ICG and near-infrared imaging ups detection of SLN, LN metastases
Among patients undergoing surgery for benign gynecologic indications

Occult Uterine Sarcomas in One in 1,124 Hysterectomies

Nine cases identified within large cohort of 10,119 hysterectomies for benign gynecologic indications
For women with uterine cancer

Minimally Invasive Hysterectomy Beneficial in Uterine Cancer

Linked to favorable morbidity profile and does not compromise long-term survival
There is considerable variation in hospital utilization of minimally invasive surgery for the treatment of early-stage endometrial cancer

Use of Minimally Invasive Sx for Endometrial Cancer Varies

Minimally invasive surgery less likely for patients with Medicaid; for blacks, Hispanics versus whites