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Tag: Cancer: Uterine

For women in Finland

Endometrial Ablation Doesn’t Increase Cancer Risk

No increased risk of endometrial, breast cancer for women in Finland treated with endometrial ablation
For women with stage I endometrial cancer

Lap, Abdominal Hysterectomy Equal for Early Endometrial CA

Equivalent disease-free survival at 4.5 years for stage I endometrial cancer with TAH, TLH
Losing weight is associated with a significantly lower risk of endometrial cancer

Risk of Endometrial Cancer Down With Intentional Weight Loss

Benefit greatest in women who are obese and achieve a normal weight, researchers say
Coffee consumption speeds the time to bowel movement after complete staging surgery of gynecologic cancers

Coffee Speeds Time to Bowel Movement After Gynecologic Sx

Findings for patients after complete staging surgery
For young patients with endometrial cancer

HT to Preserve Fertility Doesn’t Appreciably Affect Survival

Findings for young women with endometrial cancer
For patients diagnosed with endometrial cancer

Early Surgery Ups Mortality Risk for Some Endometrial CA Patients

Independent correlation seen for surgery within two weeks after diagnosis and worsened survival
For patients with endometrial cancer

Robotic Surgery Faster for Laparoscopy in Endometrial CA

Shorter operation time, total time spent in operating room versus traditional laparoscopy group
Premenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding have low risk of endometrial cancer and atypical hyperplasia

Low CA Risk for Premenopausal Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Low risk of endometrial cancer, atypical hyperplasia in premenopausal women with abnormal bleeding
Carcinosarcomas of the uterus and ovary have mutations in cancer genes previously identified in uterine and ovarian carcinomas and in genes encoding histones H2A and H2B

Mutations Identified in Uterine, Ovarian Carcinosarcomas

Mutations in previously ID'd cancer genes; excess of mutations in genes encoding histone H2A, H2B
For women with cervical and endometrial cancer

ASTRO: Fewer Side Effects With IMRT in Cervical, Endometrial CA

Patients in conventional radiotherapy arm had more high-level adverse events than those in IMRT arm