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Tag: Cancer: Skin

Higher Fish Intake May Increase Melanoma Risk


Higher total fish intake, tuna intake, nonfried fish intake positively linked to risks of malignant melanoma, melanoma in situ

ASCO: Desmoplastic Melanoma Responds to Neoadjuvant Pembrolizumab


Fifty-six percent of patients had pathologic complete response after neoadjuvant treatment with pembrolizumab

Ban of Indoor Tanning Beds Would Reduce Cancers, Cut Costs


Intervention would yield net monetary benefit of £10.6 million and net health benefit of 530 QALYs

Friends play beach volley

Sun Protection Misinformation Still Common


Yet, six in 10 U.S. adults give themselves high marks for sun protection

Primary Care-Based Screening Ups Thin Melanoma Detection


Incidence of melanoma thicker than 4 mm did not differ significantly for screened and unscreened patients

Global Burden of Melanoma Considerable, Set to Rise by 2040


If 2020 rates continue, burden estimated to increase by about 50 percent for incidence, 68 percent for deaths by 2040

Lymph Node Dissection Declining in SLN-Positive Melanoma


From 2017 to 2019, increase seen in use of adjuvant systemic therapy, with variation in use among treating centers

Acral Lentiginous Melanoma Survival Varies by Race, SES


Differences in socioeconomic status contribute to survival disparities for Hispanic Black and White patients

Knowledge of High Skin Cancer Risk Might Modify Risky Behaviors


Those at high risk of skin cancer accurately assessed risk and reported lower likelihood of future tanning bed use

Metastases Occur in About 2 Percent of Cutaneous SCCs


Risk factors for metastases include age, male sex, and immunosuppression