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Tag: Cancer: Skin

Nivolumab in combination with contact immunotherapy can successfully treat in-transit melanoma

Nivolumab, Contact Immunotx Treats In-Transit Melanoma

Two cases illustrate successful tx with nivolumab in combination with contact immunotherapy
Excessive hair growth can occur after local administration of interferon-β treatment for malignant melanoma

Excessive Hair Growth Documented After IFN-β Tx

Patient received localized IFN-β treatment after resection of malignant melanoma on right thigh
β-genus human papillomavirus is a risk factor for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in otherwise healthy individuals

β-Genus Human Papillomavirus Poses Skin Cancer Risk

HPV subtypes 5, 8, 17, 20, and 38 tied to significant increased risk
Cryotherapy combined with topical imiquimod 5 percent is an active treatment for locoregional cutaneous metastases of melanoma

Cryotherapy + Imiquimod Active in Cutaneous Melanoma Mets

Complete responses observed in patients with locoregional cutaneous metastases of melanoma
People with darker skin are about one-third more likely to have acral pigmented lesions on their palms and soles

Acral Pigmented Lesions More Common on Darker Skin

Authors hope findings raise awareness, increase dermoscopy for those at risk
The prevalence of MITF p.E318K is similar in patients with melanoma

MITF p.E318K Prevalence Similar, Regardless of CDKN2A

Mutation correlates with increased risk, especially for multiple primary melanoma, high nevi count
A team from Germany now reports that a new audio-visual imaging technique looks as effective as surgery for identifying melanoma metastasis. The findings were published in the Dec. 9 issue of Science Translational Medicine.

Noninvasive Scan Promising Alternative to Biopsy in Skin CA

Noninvasive technique shows promise for detecting spread of skin cancer
For patients with lentigo maligna

Staged Surgical Excision Superior for Treatment of Lentigo Maligna

During mean follow-up of 60 months, recurrence seen in four patients out of cohort of 100
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has found that there is currently insufficient evidence to weigh the benefits and harms of visual skin cancer screening in adults. These findings form the basis of a draft recommendation statement published online Nov. 30 by the USPSTF.

USPSTF: Insufficient Evidence for Visual Skin Cancer Screening

Task Force finds insufficient evidence to weigh benefits and harms of visual screening in adults
The Skin Cancer Objective Structured Clinical Examination is a well-developed instrument that can assess medical student competency in detecting melanoma

Instrument Assesses Competency in Detecting Melanoma

Skin Cancer Objective Structured Clinical Examination measures students' performance