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Tag: Cancer: Skin

For patients with advanced BRAFV600E/K melanoma

PFS Prolonged With Continuous Dabrafenib, Trametinib in Melanoma

Median PFS longer with continuous versus intermittent treatment, but overall survival similar
Scars from Mohs micrographic surgery for facial skin cancers are often longer than patients expect

Patients Underestimate Length of Mohs Surgery Scars

Physicians more accurately estimate scar length and can help set expectations
From 2013 to 2016

Large Decrease Seen in Melanoma Mortality From 2013 to 2016

Overall mortality decrease started in 2013 following introduction of 10 new treatments in 2011
There is a decreased risk for melanoma diagnosis among bereaved individuals but increased mortality associated with melanoma compared with nonbereaved individuals

Bereavement Tied to Higher Melanoma-Related Mortality

Authors suggest delayed diagnosis may result from lack of partner to notice skin changes
Most dermatopathologists perceive that making pathologic test result reports available to patients is a good idea

Dermatopathologists Favor Making Pathologic Reports Available

Making reports available to patients seen as good idea, but there is concern about patient worry, confusion
In the United States

High Cutaneous Melanoma Burden Found Due to UV Radiation

Burden varies across states, with highest burden seen in Hawaii
The prevalence of skin cancer among sexual minorities and transgender and gender-nonconforming adults is explored in two studies published online Feb. 12 in JAMA Dermatology.

Studies Explore Prevalence of Skin Cancer Among Sexual Minorities

Gay, bisexual men have increased odds of skin cancer; OR significantly higher for gender-nonconforming adults
Current smartphone-based applications cannot detect all cases of melanoma or other skin cancers

Smartphone Apps Not Accurate Enough to Detect All Melanomas

SkinVision had sensitivity of 80 percent, but accuracy poor versus expert recommendation
For stage III melanoma patients

Circulating Tumor Cells Predict Relapse in Stage III Melanoma

One or more CTCs independently linked to melanoma relapse at six and 54 months
Blood mercury levels are associated with nonmelanoma skin cancer

Blood Mercury Levels Linked to Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer

Increased blood total mercury levels, methylmercury levels linked to increased odds of NMSC