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Tag: Cancer: Skin

UV Exposure Not Linked to Risk for Melanoma in Skin of Color


In 11 of 13 studies reviewed, no association observed between UV exposure, melanoma in skin of color

AI Model May Predict Immunotherapy Response in Melanoma


Histology slides, clinical data used to predict immune checkpoint inhibitor response in advanced melanoma

For patients with stage III melanoma with BRAF V600E or V600K mutations

Benefit of Adjuvant Dabrafenib + Trametinib Persists in Melanoma

Long-term benefit seen for relapse-free survival in stage III disease with BRAF V600E, V600K mutations
Postoperative follow-up telephone calls to patients after Mohs micrographic surgery do not improve patient satisfaction

Follow-up Calls After Mohs Surgery Do Not Boost Satisfaction

But calls made the evening of dermatology surgery can identify patients with active pain
There is no association between use of topical calcineurin inhibitors for the treatment of atopic dermatitis and an increased risk for skin cancer

Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors Not Tied to Skin Cancer

No increased risk seen with topical calcineurin versus topical corticosteroids in adults with dermatitis
The practice of requesting additional

Malpractice Fears, Patient Safety Drive Skin Doctors to Order Extra Tests

In a survey, dermatopathologists cite patient safety, malpractice fears as reason to use extra patient services
The U.S. burden of skin and subcutaneous diseases is large but varies geographically

U.S. Burden of Skin and Subcutaneous Diseases Increasing

Increases seen across all 50 states, with geographic variation in percentage
For patients with melanoma treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs)

Vitamin D May Cut Colitis Risk for Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors

Odds of developing ICI colitis significantly reduced with vitamin D use in patients with melanoma
Black patients are more likely to experience a longer delay from diagnosis to surgery versus white patients with melanoma

Racial Differences Seen in Time to Treatment for Melanoma

Time from diagnosis to definitive surgery is twice as long on average for black versus white patients
Clinically important increases in melanoma risk in patients treated with biologic therapy for common inflammatory diseases cannot be ruled out based on current evidence

Melanoma Risk From Biologic Therapy Remains Uncertain

Systematic literature review and meta-analysis reveal link to increased risk cannot be ruled out