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Tag: Cancer: Rectal

Restaging MRI Can Predict Survival With Rectal Cancer


Findings can save some lower-risk patients surgery after chemo, radiation

FIT Completion, Yield Rates Similar in Those Aged 45 to 49 Versus 50 Years


For individuals aged 45 to 49 years, FIT completion slightly higher while FIT positivity slightly lower

2021 USPSTF Recommendation Boosted Colorectal Cancer Screening


Potential disparities in uptake seen by socioeconomic status and locality among privately insured adults

Long-Course Chemoradiotherapy Preferred TNT Regimen for Rectal Cancer


LCCRT results in higher two-year organ preservation and lower two-year local regrowth compared with short-course radiotherapy

Omitting 5-FU Bolus Does Not Reduce Survival in Advanced Cancer


However, omission does result in reductions in neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and use of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor

Breast Cancer Screening Attendance Helps Boost Other Cancer Screenings


Findings seen for women offered self-sampling kits for overdue cancer screenings

Blood Test Results Can Enhance Assessment of Cancer Risk


Blood test results enhance assessment of risk for patients presenting with nonspecific abdominal symptoms

Aspirin-Linked Reduction in CRC Risk Varies With Lifestyle Score


Greater absolute risk reduction seen in those with less healthy lifestyles

Study Looks at Effects of Reducing Intake of Processed Meat, Unprocessed Red Meat


30 percent reduction in processed meat intake would lead to 352,900 fewer occurrences of T2DM, 92,500 fewer occurrences of CVD

FIT Screening Cuts Risk of Death From Colorectal Cancer


Association between fecal immunochemical tests and lower CRC mortality risk seen across races