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Tag: Cancer: Rectal

Recurrence Up With Incomplete Resection of Colorectal Polyps


Segments with incomplete resection have increased risk for any metachronous neoplasia, advanced neoplasia

Multitarget Fecal Immunochemical Test Ups Diagnostic Accuracy


Cross-validated sensitivity improved with multitarget FIT compared with standard FIT test for advanced neoplasia and advanced adenoma

Older Age, Black or Hispanic Race Tied to Higher Risk for Colorectal Cancer


Findings seen in a large study of veterans undergoing diagnostic colonoscopy

Survival Examined for Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer


Survival advantage greatest for diagnosis at age 35 through 39 years with stage I or II disease versus diagnosis at age 51 to 55 years

Screening Endoscopy May Lower CRC-Related Mortality in Healthy Elderly


Risk for CRC-related mortality reduced with screening endoscopy for those older than 75 years who do not have significant comorbidities

CRC Risk Up in First-Degree Relatives of Patients With Polyps


Link between family history of polyps and CRC risk strengthened with increasing number of relatives and lower age at polyp diagnosis

USPSTF Urges CRC Screening for Adults Aged 50 to 75, 45 to 49


USPSTF concludes with moderate certainty that CRC screening has moderate net benefit for those aged 45 to 49 years

Sugar-Sweetened Drinks May Up Early-Onset CRC Risk in Women


Risk for EO-CRC increased with each serving per day during adulthood and during adolescence at ages 13 to 18 years

Universal Multigene Panel Test in CRC IDs Heritable Mutations


Sequencing results from universal panel changed cancer treatment for roughly one in 10 colorectal cancer patients

Many Patients Prefer Stool-Based Colorectal Cancer Screening Tests


Multitarget stool DNA test, fecal immunochemical test, or guaiac-based fecal occult blood test preferred over colonoscopy