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Tag: Cancer: Prostate

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force concludes that the decision to undergo periodic prostate-specific antigen screening for prostate cancer should be an individual one for men aged 55 to 69 years. These findings form the basis of a final recommendation statement

USPSTF: Decision to Undergo PSA Screening Should Be Individual

C recommendation for men aged 55 to 69 years; USPSTF recommends against screening for age 70+
Men on androgen-deprivation therapy for prostate cancer may significantly benefit from a group exercise and nutrition program

Group Exercise, Nutrition Aids Prostate Cancer Patients on ADT

Improvements seen in mobility, body fat, muscle strength in men on androgen-deprivation therapy
For castration-resistant prostate cancer

Low-Dose Abiraterone Acetate Noninferior for Prostate Cancer

Low-dose AA with low-fat breakfast had greater effect on PSA; similar effect to standard dose
For men with a clinical suspicion of prostate cancer

MRI-Targeted Biopsy Noninferior for Prostate Cancer Detection

Clinically significant cancer detected in more men in MRI-targeted biopsy versus standard-biopsy group
Dose escalation from 70.2 to 79.2 Gy is not associated with improved overall survival in intermediate-risk prostate cancer

Dose-Escalated Radn Does Not Up Survival in Localized Prostate CA

No improvement in overall survival; no difference in cumulative rate of distant metastases
For men with metastatic prostate cancer there is no survival advantage for aggressive therapy over conservative androgen deprivation therapy only

No Benefit for Aggressive Therapy in Metastatic Prostate Cancer

However, mortality higher with conservative therapy in locally advanced, non-metastatic prostate cancer
A single prostate-specific antigen screening is not associated with a significant difference in prostate cancer mortality after follow-up of 10 years

Single PSA Screening Doesn’t Cut Prostate Cancer Mortality

But screening is associated with increased detection of low-risk prostate cancer
A risk model including magnetic resonance imaging-derived parameters may reduce the number of unnecessary biopsies among patients with suspected prostate cancer

MRI Risk Model May Cut Biopsy Use in Suspected Prostate Cancer

Inclusion of MRI-derived parameters can maintain high rate of diagnosis of clinically significant cancer
Erleada (apalutamide) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat non-metastatic

FDA Approves Erleada to Treat Non-Metastatic Prostate Cancer

First FDA-approved treatment for non-metastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancer
Almost half of clinical trials for prostate cancer use criteria that disproportionately exclude black men

Criteria for Prostate Cancer Trials Disproportionately Exclude Blacks

Trials sponsored by academic investigators, cooperative groups more likely to use these criteria