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Tag: Cancer: Ovarian


Genetic Assay of PAP Tests May Help Dx Endometrial, Ovarian CA

PapSEEK tests for gene mutation, aneuploidy; better detection with Tao brush intrauterine sampling
Vigil immunotherapy shows good tolerability for recurrent ovarian cancer patients

Vigil Immunotherapy Tolerated Well for Recurrent Ovarian CA Tx

And, PARP 7 protein plays significant role; survival up with genetic mutations, higher expression levels
In women with type 2 diabetes

No Link Found for Metformin or Statins and Ovarian Cancer

Findings based on a Finnish study involving a national cohort of women with type 2 diabetes
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends against screening for ovarian cancer in asymptomatic women. These findings form the basis of a final recommendation statement published in the Feb. 13 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

USPSTF Recommends Against Ovarian Cancer Screening

Among asymptomatic women, harms of screening for ovarian cancer outweigh potential benefits
Elevation in white blood cell BRCA1 promoter methylation is associated with high-grade serous ovarian cancer

BRCA1 Promoter Methylation Tied to High-Grade Serous Ovarian CA

Elevated normal tissue BRCA1 promoter methylation associated with high-grade serous ovarian CA risk
For women with ovarian cancer who underwent both surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy

Average Cost of Care in Year After Ovarian Cancer Surgery ~$100K

Patients bear about 3 percent of these costs in the form of out-of-pocket expenses
Qualitative computed tomography features differ between patients with BRCA-mutant high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) and patients with BRCA wild-type HGSOC

Computed Tomography Features Vary Based on BRCA Status

Differences seen between BRCA-mutant versus BRCA wild-type high-grade serous ovarian cancer
For patients with ovarian cancer

Hospital Volume, Quality Impact Survival in Ovarian Cancer

Survival lower for lower volume hospitals with higher quality scores versus higher volume hospitals
The potential harms of ovarian cancer screening outweigh the benefits

USPSTF: Ovarian Cancer Screen to Be Avoided for Most Women

Test isn't accurate enough to justify its use, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force says
For patients with ovarian cancer

New VTE Often Occurs During Chemo in Ovarian Cancer

Most cases of venous thromboembolism occurred during neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy