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Tag: Cancer: Misc.

Stereotactic ablative radiation therapy for recurrent oligometastatic cancer is a feasible and tolerable treatment option

Stereotactic Radiation Feasible for Oligometastatic Cancer

SABR associated with low toxicity and good survival while maintaining quality of life
In high-risk ambulatory patients with cancer

Rivaroxaban Does Not Reduce VTE Incidence in High-Risk Cancer Patients

Primary end point occurred in lower percentage of patients in 180-day period; difference not significant
Structural and clinical barriers prevent most cancer patients from participating in clinical trials

Structural, Clinical Barriers Prevent Cancer Trial Participation

Trial unavailable at patients' institution 55.6 percent of the time; 21.5 percent of patients ineligible
Cancer death rates are decreasing faster in blacks than whites in the United States

Black-White Cancer Mortality Gap Decreasing in Some Age Groups

Cancer deaths rates decreasing faster for black men and women vs. white men and women in U.S.
Dialysis and kidney transplant patients have more than a 2.5-fold increased risk for cancer death

Cancer Death Risk Up for Kidney Transplant, Dialysis Patients

Risk mainly due to preexisting cancers in dialysis patients, de novo cancers in transplant recipients
Physicians treating certain cancers who consistently receive payments from a cancer drug's manufacturer are more likely to prescribe that drug instead of other treatments

Drug Company Payments Over Time May Influence Rx Practices

Payment consistency, high amount, compensation payments tied to cancer drug prescribing practices
Country-specific norms have been established for the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer questionnaire to measure the self-reported quality of life of cancer patients

Country-Specific Norms Created for Cancer-Related Quality of Life

New data from countries including the U.S. allow for intercountry, intracountry comparisons
Children conceived by assisted reproductive technology do not appear to have a significantly increased cancer risk

No Increased Risk for Cancer for ART-Conceived Children

Slightly but not significantly increased risks seen in children conceived by ICSI or cryopreservation
The incidence of some obesity-related cancers is increasing in younger generations

Some Obesity-Related Cancers Increasing in Younger Adults

Incidence up for six of 12 obesity-related cancers; steeper increase in successively younger generations
Cancer survivors carry greater financial burdens related to medical debt payments and bills versus patients without a cancer history

Cancer Survivors Face Hardship Over Medical Bills

Hardships greatest among younger cancer survivors versus patients without cancer history