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Tag: Cancer: Misc.

Oncology patients would prefer to be asked for their consent before deidentified data from their medical records is used for research

Cancer Patients Say Ask Before Using Medical Records for Research

Majority comfortable if insurance company uses health information to ensure recommended care is received
Enrolling actively smoking oncology patients into a comprehensive tobacco cessation program may help patients sustain long-term abstinence from smoking and improve their cancer treatment outcomes

Tobacco Cessation Programs May Up Quit Rates in Cancer Patients

Study reveals high tobacco abstinence rates remain consistent with the help of counseling, therapy
Cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular disease are associated with an increased risk for developing cancer

AHA: Cardiovascular Risk Factors Tied to Increased Cancer Risk

Risk for subsequent cancer up with development of interim CV events, including heart failure, MI
Family history of cancer is a significant risk factor for childhood asthma development

ACAAI: Family History of Cancer Risk Factor for Childhood Asthma

More than 20 percent of those with family history of cancer had childhood asthma
Cancer antigen 125 (CA125) can predict ovarian cancer in general practice

CA125 Can Detect Ovarian Cancer in General Practice

And elevated CA125 indicates higher risk for other cancers, especially in women aged ≥50 years
Microvascular endothelial dysfunction is associated with an increased risk for solid-tumor cancer

Test of Vascular Function May Predict Solid-Tumor Cancer Risk

Reactive hyperemia peripheral arterial tonometry index ≤2.0 predicted incidence of solid-tumor cancer
For patients with obesity undergoing bariatric surgery

Cancer Risk Halved With Bariatric Surgery-Linked Weight Loss

Hazard ratio 0.44 for incident cancer with loss of at least 20 to 35 versus <20 percent of total body weight
Exercise should be prescribed for cancer survivors

Exercise Should Be Prescribed to Cancer Survivors

Key stakeholders are urged to create the infrastructure and necessary cultural adaptations
For patients with obesity

Bariatric Surgery in Obese Patients May Lower Cancer Risk

Among genetically predisposed, breast cancer rate higher in those who did not opt for bariatric surgery
Between 2005 and 2015

Number of Cancer Patients Using Gabapentinoids Up Since 2005

Authors say more long-term studies of risks, efficacy of gabapentinoids needed