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Tag: Cancer: Misc.

Neighborhood Walkability Level Linked to Risk for Obesity-Related Cancer


Association was strongest for women living in neighborhoods with higher levels of poverty

Infertility Risk Perception Increased in Survivors of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer


Adolescent and young adult cancer survivors frequently overestimate or underestimate their risk

EHR Reminders, Outreach Improve Follow-Up for Abnormal Cancer Screening


Multilevel primary care intervention improves follow-up of overdue abnormal cancer screening tests

Multicancer Early Detection Blood Tests Are Feasible


Cancer signal was detected in 1.4 percent of participants; of these, 38 percent were true positives and diagnosed with cancer

Prevalence of Hearing Loss Significantly Higher for Cancer Survivors


Two subjective questions can potentially accurately identify those with hearing loss

NCCN: Cancer Centers Still Experiencing Shortages of Chemo Drugs


Overall, 72 and 59 percent of 26 cancer centers reported shortages in carboplatin and cisplatin

Diversity in Early-Phase Cancer Trials Improved Since 2000


Some gains seen in racial/ethnic and geographic diversity; more older patients also enrolled

AACR Cancer Progress Report Reveals 33 Percent Decrease in Cancer Death Rate, 1990 to...


Report highlights advances such as approval of 14 new anticancer therapeutics, expansion of use of 12 previously approved therapeutics

Opioids Can Be Continued in Cancer Patients With Nonmedical Stimulant Use


Regardless of prognosis, panel deemed it appropriate to continue opioids, increase monitoring, and avoid opioid tapering

Linguistic Disparities Impact Patient Access to Cancer Care


Non-English-speaking patient callers to hospital are less likely to be provided with next steps to access cancer care