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Tag: Cancer: Misc.

Soy food/isoflavone intake is not associated with endometrial cancer risk in Japanese women

Soy Food, Isoflavone Intake Not Linked to Endometrial Cancer

Findings in Japanese women aged 45 to 74 years followed during average of 12.1 years
Meaning-centered group psychotherapy is effective for reducing psychological distress and improving spiritual well-being in patients with advanced cancer

Meaning-Centered Group Therapy Beneficial in Advanced Cancer

Improvements in patient quality of life, reduction in psychological distress
Fewer than half of Americans are aware that some major lifestyle factors can affect their cancer risk

AICR: Awareness of Key Cancer Risk Factors Alarmingly Low

Many worry about unproven factors like food additives; less about exercise and obesity
Lung cancer has overtaken breast cancer as the leading cancer killer of women in developed countries

Lung Cancer Now Leads Cancer Mortality in Developed Nations

Leading cancer killer of American women for many years
The 2014 recommendations for the prophylaxis and treatment of venous thromboembolism in patients with cancer are unchanged from 2013

Guidelines for VTE Prophylaxis, Treatment in Cancer Unchanged

Thromboprophylaxis required throughout hospitalization for most patients with active cancer

January 2015 Briefing – Hematology & Oncology

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Hematology & Oncology for January 2015. This roundup includes...
Bacteria may offer a new way to treat cancer

CIO: Bacteria Could Be Useful in Fight Against Cancer

Weakened strain of Clostridium novyi-NT bacteria thrives in low oxygen environment
Recommendations for the use of magnetic resonance imaging in multiple myeloma are presented in a consensus statement published online Jan. 20 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Recommendations Presented for MRI Use in Multiple Myeloma

MRI is gold standard for imaging axial skeleton, assessing painful lesions, ID'ing benign fractures
People with diabetes are less likely to take their diabetes medications if they've been diagnosed with cancer

Cancer Diagnosis Impacts Patient Adherence to Diabetes Rx

Effect more pronounced with poor cancer prognosis
The biggest clinical cancer advances for 2015 have been identified in an annual report from the American Society of Clinical Oncology

ASCO Reports Biggest Clinical Cancer Advances for 2015

The advance of the year is approval of four new therapies for treatment of CLL