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Tag: Cancer: Misc.

Diabetes is associated with increased mortality from cardiovascular disease

Diabetes Linked to Increased CVD, Cancer, Other Mortality

Increases in cardiovascular death, cancer death, noncardiovascular noncancer death in men, women
The longer a woman is overweight

Duration of Adult Obesity Affects Cancer Risk in Women

Researchers find odds for four types of cancer rise significantly for every decade of obesity
Female oncologists report more grief responses to patient death

Female Oncologists Report More Grief Responses, Burnout

For both genders, grief reactions linked to emotional distress among those at high levels of burnout
Cancer has overtaken cardiovascular disease as the leading cause of death in 12 European countries

Cancer Now Leading Cause of Death in Some European Nations

Gains against cardiovascular disease, especially in Western Europe, likely behind the shift

July 2016 Briefing – Hematology & Oncology

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Hematology & Oncology for July 2016. This roundup includes...
From 1997 to 2014 the estimated rate of annual increase in obesity prevalence was higher for adults with a history of cancer

Increasing Prevalence of Obesity in Cancer Survivors

Estimated rate of annual increase in obesity prevalence higher for adults with history of cancer
Guidelines have been developed for chronic pain management in adult cancer survivors. The American Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline was published online July 25 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Guidelines Developed for Pain Management in Cancer Survivors

Recurrent disease, second malignancy, late-onset tx effects should be assessed in patients with new pain
Delirium is fairly common

Delirium Often Seen in Cancer Patients in the ER

Delirium is relatively frequent and is underdiagnosed by physicians, researchers say
Among women presenting with a chief complaint of abnormal uterine bleeding

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Can Signal Hematologic Cancer

New-onset bleeding plus thrombocytopenia or pancytopenia should be referred
Cancer patients and their oncologists often hold different opinions about the patient's chances for survival and how long they might live

Cancer Patients, Oncologists Have Discordant Opinions on Prognosis

Those with advanced disease are likely to be more optimistic than their oncologist