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Tag: Cancer: Lymphoma

Whole-body diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging shows good agreement with 18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography for assessing tumor response to induction chemotherapy in children and young adults with lymphoma or sarcoma

Whole-Body DW MRI Can Help Assess Pediatric Tumor Response

Good agreement for treatment response assessments with DW MRI, FDG PET seen in children, young adults
The combination of low muscle mass and low muscle density is associated with shorter survival in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Low Muscle Mass, Density Linked to Shorter Survival in Lymphoma

13 percent of DLBCL patients had LMM, LMD, which was associated with shorter OS and PFS
In a EuroNet Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma Group guideline

Recommendations Issued for R/R Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma

Recommendations developed for salvage therapy for pediatric patients with first relapse/refractory cHL
Thoracic radiation therapy is associated with increased fatigue and dyspnea as well as decreased physical activity

Thoracic Radiation May Increase Fatigue, Dyspnea in Short Term

In patients with lung cancer or lymphoma, increase in heart dose tied to decrease in physical activity
Nitrite consumption is associated with an increased risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Nitrite Consumption May Up Risk for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Nitrite intake linked to carcinogenicity leading to NHL, development of diffuse large B cell lymphoma
Among children with Hodgkin lymphoma enrolled in phase III trials

Survival Worse for Nonwhite Children With Hodgkin Lymphoma

Risk for postrelapse mortality 2.7-, 3.5-fold higher for Hispanics, non-Hispanic blacks versus whites
Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation performed after programmed cell death 1 or programmed cell death ligand 1 monoclonal antibody treatment seems feasible for patients with classical Hodgkin lymphoma

ASH: AlloHSCT Feasible After PD-1, PD-L1 mAb in Hodgkin Lymphoma

Outcomes good for those treated with a PD-1 or PD-L1 inhibitor before undergoing allogeneic HSCT
Positron emission tomography-directed therapy results in excellent outcomes for patients with stage I/II diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

ASH: PET Helps Tailor Therapy in Limited-Stage DLBCL

Most patients had negative PET scan and completed one additional R-CHOP cycle without radiation
The risk for Hodgkin lymphoma is increased in association with immunosuppression

Risk for Hodgkin Lymphoma Increased With Allergic Disease, Eczema

Associations attenuated but remained significant after adjustment for steroid use
Testosterone replacement is associated with an improvement in body composition among younger male cancer survivors with low-normal morning total serum testosterone

Testosterone Replacement May Benefit Younger Male Cancer Survivors

Benefits include significant improvement in body composition measurements over six months