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Tag: Cancer: Lymphoma

Chronic coinfection with hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus is associated with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma among patients with HIV receiving antiretroviral treatment

HBV, HCV Coinfection Ups Non-Hodgkin Risk in ART-Treated HIV

Increased risk for NHL for HIV-infected patients receiving ART with chronic coinfection with HBV, HCV
Severe fatigue can impede social reintegration in Hodgkin's lymphoma survivors

Social Reintegration of Hodgkin’s Survivors Impeded by Fatigue

Significant negative association of severe fatigue and employment among male and female survivors
Immunotherapy with CD19 chimeric antigen receptor-modified T cells in a defined CD4+/CD8+ ratio can lead to improved disease response and overall and progression-free survival

Remission Up With T Cell Therapy for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Researchers identify treatment characteristics that correlate with therapeutic response, toxicity
Adapted treatment guided by positron emission tomography-computed tomography results is associated with good outcomes in advanced Hodgkin's lymphoma

Interim PET-CT Can Guide Treatment in Advanced Hodgkin’s

Adapted treatment guided by interim PET results linked to good overall, progression-free survival
Patients living with HIV are at high risk for lymphoma

aHSCT Should Be Standard of Care for HIV-Related Lymphoma

Outcomes after the therapy similar to those for patients who don't carry the virus
Triptorelin plus norethisterone does not prevent chemotherapy-induced premature ovarian failure in young patients with lymphoma

Triptorelin Doesn’t Prevent Chemo-Induced Ovarian Failure

Findings based on long-term follow-up of young patients with lymphoma
For patients with mantle cell lymphoma

Overall Survival in Mantle Cell Lymphoma Up With Deferred Tx

Male sex, younger age, lack of comorbidities predict improved overall survival in those with deferred tx
There appears to be a strong link between exposure to high levels of radon in the home and women's risk of hematologic malignancies

Radon in the Home Linked to Hematologic Malignancies

Association seen in women, but no connection found in men
Higher body weight and taller stature during adolescence are associated with increased risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

Teen Weight, Height Linked to Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Weight and height predict NHL subtypes in cohort of >2,000,000 16- to 19-year-olds
Hodgkin's lymphoma survivors have an increased risk of a second cancer

Second Cancer Risk Persists for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Survivors

Increased risk compared with the general population even for those receiving more recent treatments