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Tag: Cancer: Lung

Survival Improved With Lobectomy, Segmentectomy in Early NSCLC


Improved overall and lung cancer-specific survival seen for lobectomy, segmentectomy versus wedge resection

Integrated Care Boosts Smoking Cessation When Undergoing Lung Cancer Screening


Integrated care involving medication and intensive counseling provides optimal smoking cessation intervention

Shifts in Trends Noted for Trachea, Bronchus, Lung Cancer Mortality


Tobacco-associated trachea, bronchus, and lung cancer mortality decreasing overall, while pollution-associated mortality increasing

Rurality Partly Explains Racial Difference in Distance to Lung Cancer Screening


Mean distance in American Indian-majority census tracts reduced with adjustment for rurality but was still 3.16 times that seen in White majority tracts

Metformin Beneficial in Lung Cancer Patients With Overweight, Obesity


Metformin correlates with progression-free survival in patients with overweight on immunotherapy

Extensive Coronary Artery Calcium on Chest CT Prognostic for Death, CVD


Extensive coronary artery calcium associated with composite primary outcome, all-cause death, cardiovascular events

American Lung Association Releases Annual ‘State of Lung Cancer’ Report


Lung cancer survival increasing; however, disparities still exist, with consistently worse outcomes seen among people of color

Few High-Risk Individuals Have Heard of, Discuss Lung Cancer Screening


More than 80 percent of former or current smokers have never heard of nor discussed LCS with a clinician

Sensitivity Reduced on Low-Dose Pediatric CT Scans for Small Lung Nodules


Reduced detection on low-dose CT scans using CAD systems more pronounced for nodules measuring less than 5 mm

Guidelines Developed for EBUS-TBNA Specimen Processing, Handling


Nine statements developed, including performing four or more versus three or fewer needle passes in suspected malignant disease