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Tag: Cancer: Kidney

Tumor cell-intrinsic metabolic factors may contribute to anti-programmed death 1 (PD-1)/PD-L1 treatment resistance in renal cell carcinoma

Metabolic Factors May Contribute to Tx Resistance in Renal Cancer

Genes involved in metabolic and solute transport function linked to treatment failure in PD-L1+ RCC
For patients treated for T1a renal cell carcinoma

X-Rays Have Low Diagnostic Yield for Pulmonary Metastases

Findings in patients treated for T1a renal cell carcinoma followed with X-ray surveillance
Laparoscopic nephrectomy can be safely performed as outpatient surgery in select patients

Laparoscopic Nephrectomy Feasible As Outpatient Surgery

Most patients discharged home within first six hours after surgery; none readmitted
Patient experience is associated with urologic cancer surgical outcomes

Patient Experience Linked to Urologic CA Surgical Outcomes

Less prolonged hospitalization, fewer nursing-sensitive complications in high-performing hospitals
Percutaneous needle-based optical coherence tomography can differentiate renal masses

Percutaneous Needle-Based OCT Differentiates Renal Masses

Significantly lower median µOCT for oncocytoma versus renal cell carcinoma
Continuing aspirin for chronic antiplatelet therapy is safe in patients undergoing laparoscopic partial nephrectomy

Continued Aspirin Treatment Safe With Partial Nephrectomy

Findings among patients on chronic antiplatelet therapy for cardioprotection
Adding core-needle biopsy to other clinical care may help improve outcomes for some patients with renal cell carcinoma

Core-Needle Biopsy Effective in Evaluation of Renal Masses

Image-guided testing of tissue from the renal mass may lead to improved treatments, researchers say
The majority of oncocytic renal neoplasms will grow with time

Oncocytomas Tend to Grow Slowly Over Time

Growth does not seem to indicate malignancy; active surveillance seems safe
Renal mass biopsy is accurate for small renal masses (4 cm or less)

Renal Mass Biopsy Accurate for Small Renal Masses

Between renal mass biopsy, surgical pathology, rate of accuracy in identifying malignancies 97.1 percent
For patients with inferior vena cava tumor thrombus

Robotic Sx Feasible for Inferior Vena Cava Tumor Thrombectomy

Case series shows robotic nephrectomy is feasible and performed safely in selected patients