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Tag: Cancer: Colon

Partners of CRC Survivors Experience Long-Term Financial Toxicity


Furthermore, this financial toxicity is associated with worse health-related quality of life

Physical Activity May Prevent Colon Cancer Recurrence


Lower recurrence rate seen within the first year of treatment among those with higher physical activity

Higher Risk for CRC Seen in Adults Exposed to Bendectin In Utero


Risk of colorectal cancer higher in offspring exposed in utero during 1960s versus unexposed offspring

CRC Incidence Shifting to Younger Adults, More Advanced Disease


Incidence increased for those younger than 65 years for regional-stage and distant-stage disease since 2010, reversing previous shift to earlier-stage disease

Adenoma Detection Rate Inversely Linked to Postcolonoscopy CRC


Inverse association seen for ADR with postcolonoscopy colorectal cancer incidence risk in FIT-based screening program setting

Defensive Information Processing Is Barrier to CRC Screening Uptake


Odds of FIT-based screening lower with suppression subdomains of 'deny immediacy to be tested' and 'self-exemption'

Neoadjuvant Oxaliplatin-Fluoropyrimidine Chemo Improves Colon Cancer Outcomes


Benefits include histopathologic downstaging, fewer incomplete resections, and better two-year disease control

Negative Fecal Tests Tied to Low Risk for Advanced Colorectal Cancer


Risk for advanced neoplasia cut by more than 50 percent with three or four negative fecal immunochemical tests

Deep Learning Model Aids Differentiation of Colon Cancer, Acute Diverticulitis


3-D convolutional neural network can be used as support system for differentiating colon carcinoma, acute diverticulitis on CT images

Follow-Up Colonoscopy Rates Low After Positive Stool-Based Test


Follow-up colonoscopy rates were 43.3 percent within 90 days, 56.1 percent within 360 days of positive stool-based screening test result