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Tag: Cancer: Colon

Starting colorectal cancer screening at age 45 instead of 50 years seems cost-effective

Starting Colorectal Cancer Screening at Age 45 Years Is Cost-Effective

But increasing participation for unscreened older adults would yield greater benefits at lower costs
Expert guidance has been provided on the early detection of colorectal cancer and on treatment and posttreatment follow-up; the two guidelines were recently published online in the Journal of Global Oncology.

ASCO: Guidelines Released for Early Detection, Treatment of CRC

Stratified guidelines emphasize optimal detection methods and treatments of colorectal cancer
Onset of colorectal cancer in adults younger than 50 years is distinct from onset in patients aged 50 years or older

Distinct Etiology Found for Colorectal Cancer With Early Onset

Patients aged 18 to 29 with early-onset colorectal cancer more likely to have signet ring histology
Many patients with young-onset colorectal cancer

Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer May Often Be Misdiagnosed

Most patients are diagnosed at advanced stages of disease, report waiting months before seeing doctor
Single-application fecal immunochemical tests have moderate-to-high sensitivity and specificity for colorectal cancer

Single-Application FIT Moderately Sensitive, Specific for CRC

Performance characteristics vary depending on the threshold for a positive result
Aspirin is underused to reduce the risk for colorectal cancer among patients with advanced colorectal polyps

Aspirin Underused for Advanced Colorectal Polyps

Only 42.6 percent of 84 patients with biopsy-proven advanced colorectal polyps were taking aspirin
An overall rise in the number of colorectal cancer deaths worldwide is expected through 2035

Number of Colorectal CA Deaths Projected to Rise Worldwide

Mortality rates falling worldwide in many countries but expected to increase substantially in some
Survivors of childhood Hodgkin lymphoma remain at increased risk for developing subsequent malignant neoplasms

Childhood Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors at Risk for Later Cancers

Survivors have 14-fold increased risk for developing a solid subsequent malignant neoplasm
In patients without broad-definition anemia and/or abdominal mass

Anemia Criteria Assist Decision on Type of Colorectal Cancer Screen

Risk for proximal cancers low among patients without broad-definition anemia and/or abdominal mass
For average-risk patients

Long-Term Reduction in CRC Risk After Negative Colonoscopy

At 10-year rescreening interval, risks for colorectal cancer and related deaths significantly reduced