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Tag: Cancer: Colon

For patients with metastatic colorectal cancer

Continuing Full Induction Regimen Not Beneficial in Metastatic CRC

Maintenance therapy shows benefit versus observation in terms of PFS but not overall survival
Implementation of the Dependent Coverage Expansion (DCE) under the Affordable Care Act increased early-stage colorectal cancer (CRC) diagnosis and receipt of timely adjuvant chemotherapy for surgically resected stage IIB to IIIC CRC among DCE-eligible patients

Treatment for Younger Adults With CRC Improved Under ACA

Timely receipt of adjuvant chemo more likely in DCE-eligible patients with resected stage IIB to IIIC CRC
Following publication of updated guidelines by the American Cancer Society recommending that the age for colorectal cancer screening be lowered to 45 years

CRC Screening Up for Ages 45 to 49 After ACS Guideline Update

Increase in screening rates in quarters 3, 4 of 2018 versus quarter 1; no change for people in their 50s
Individuals who undergo bariatric surgery may be at increased risk for developing colon cancer years later

Bariatric Surgery May Raise Risk for Colon Cancer Years Later

Risk increased for colon cancer 10 to 14 years after surgery; no increase in risk found for rectal cancer
Patients with breast or prostate cancer who are obese score higher in psychosocial problem-related distress than nonobese patients

Cancer Patients With Obesity Show Poorer Psychosocial Health

Among breast cancer and prostate cancer patients, scores for distress higher for obese than nonobese
Global burdens of colorectal cancer

Four Studies Look at Global Burden of Digestive Diseases

Global burdens of colorectal, pancreatic, stomach cancers and inflammatory bowel disease examined
Average-risk adults between the ages of 50 and 75 years should be screened for colorectal cancer

CRC Screening Recommended for Average-Risk Adults Age 50 to 75

CRC screening test should be selected based on discussion of benefits, harms, costs with patients
Using the GRADE system to review new evidence

Personal Colorectal Cancer Risk Should Drive Screening

Panel issues weak recommendations for options in adults aged 50 to 79 years with no prior screening
The risk for colorectal cancer death drops with an increasing number of prediagnostic colonoscopies

Prediagnostic Colonoscopy Cuts Colorectal Cancer Death Risk

Mortality risk drops 17 percent with one colonoscopy before diagnosis, 45 percent with three colonoscopies
A triplet combination of therapies (encorafenib

Triplet Tx Ups Survival in BRAF V600E-Mutated Colorectal Cancer

Overall survival longer for encorafenib, cetuximab, and binimetinib combo versus standard therapy