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Tag: Cancer: Cervical

Smiling physiotherapist  taking care of the happy senior patient in wheelchair

Patient-Reported Outcomes + Wearable Data Predict Postop Adverse Events


Findings seen among women with gynecologic cancers followed for four weeks

Cemiplimab Prolongs Survival in Recurrent Cervical Cancer


Overall survival longer with cemiplimab versus single-agent chemo for recurrent disease after first-line platinum-containing chemo

Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Reported for Women Diagnosed With CIN 3


Risk differences for all outcomes were attenuated over time; risk for early neonatal death disappeared

2005 to 2019 Saw Decline in Cervical Cancer Screening Rates


Most commonly cited reason for not receiving a timely screening was lack of knowledge

Cervical Cancer Incidence Varies by Neighborhood Wealth


Poorest neighborhoods in New York City have cervical cancer rates 73 percent higher than wealthiest neighborhoods

Cervical Cancer Deaths Down Following HPV Vaccine Introduction


Reductions in cervical cancer incidence, mortality in the U.S. greater for those aged 15 to 24 years than those aged 25 to 29, 30 to 39 years

Adding Pembrolizumab to Chemo Ups Survival in Cervical Cancer


Progression-free and overall survival significantly longer for patients with persistent, recurrent, metastatic cervical cancer

Globally, Cervical Cancer Incidence, Mortality Stable or Decreasing


Negative correlations seen for cervical cancer incidence and mortality rates with the Human Development Index

Unmet Social Needs, Distress Linked in Gynecologic Oncology Patients


Social isolation and lack of safety at home associated with distress; unmet needs also linked to treatment interruption

Perceived Financial Barriers Hinder Cervical Cancer Screening


72 percent of low-income, uninsured, or publicly insured women perceived financial barriers to screening