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Tag: Cancer: Cervical

More CIN2+ Detection Seen With HPV Catch-Up Screening in Women Aged ≥65


Catch-up HPV screening linked to significantly higher CIN2+ detection among women invited for screening by clinician-based or self-sampling

Sample-to-Answer, Point-of-Care HPV DNA Test Feasible


Test requires six user steps and gives answer in 45 minutes

Certain Factors Increase Risk for UTIs After Radical Hysterectomies


Findings show smoking and seven or more days of catheter use independently increase risk

ASCO: Adding Pembrolizumab to Chemo Improves Survival in Cervical Cancer


Overall and progression-free survival increased for persistent, recurrent, or metastatic cervical cancer

Educational DVD + Patient Navigation Increases Cancer Screenings in Rural Women


Combination intervention quadruples odds of breast, cervical, or colorectal screening in 12 months

Risk for Cervical Cancer Higher in Women With Mental Illness


Simultaneously, women with mental illness have lower rates of participation in cancer screening

Johnson & Johnson Agrees to $8.9 Billion Settlement in Talcum Powder Lawsuit


Company plans to stop selling the product globally this year

Mailed Human Papillomavirus Self-Sampling Kits Are Cost-Effective


Findings show it is an economically efficient outreach strategy for increasing cervical cancer screening rates

Breast, Cervical, Prostate Cancer Screening Still Lower Than Before Pandemic


Prevalence of colorectal cancer screening remained unchanged with increase in stool testing offsetting decrease in colonoscopy

Acupuncture, Acupressure Beneficial in Gynecologic Cancer Surgery Setting


Improvement seen in severe pain, anxiety for treatment groups receiving preoperative touch/relaxation with or without intraoperative acupuncture