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Tag: Cancer: Cervical

There is no advantage in testing morning first-void urine over later samples for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2+ detection using human papillomavirus testing

First-Void Morning Urine Not Necessary for CIN2+ Detection

First-void urine also similar to physician-taken smears or brush-based self-samples
Cervical cancer screening rates are much lower among women with severe mental illness than among other women

Cervical Cancer Screen Rates Low for Women With Mental Illness

Rates of the disease tend to be higher in this group, researcher says
For women with cervical cancer

Magnesium Wasting Despite Diuretic Choice in Cervical CA Tx

Significant magnesium wasting regardless of whether furosemide or mannitol used before cisplatin
From 2000 to 2015 there were increases in colorectal cancer screening use

Cancer Screening Remains Below Healthy People 2020 Targets

From 2000 to 2015, increases in CRC screening use, but not in breast, cervical cancer screening
Coffee consumption speeds the time to bowel movement after complete staging surgery of gynecologic cancers

Coffee Speeds Time to Bowel Movement After Gynecologic Sx

Findings for patients after complete staging surgery
The number of women who die from cervical cancer in the United States may be higher than previously believed

Cervical Cancer Mortality Higher Among Older, Black Women

Rates rose when latest study excluded women who'd already undergone hysterectomy
Testing for human papillomavirus 16/18 has poor sensitivity for triaging women with minor abnormal cytology

Poor Sensitivity for HPV 16/18 in Minor Abnormal Cytology

Review: pooled sensitivity of HPV 16/18 genotyping for CIN3+ about 70 percent for ASC-US or LSIL
For patients with locally advanced cervical cancer

Standard of Care Underused for Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer

Despite improved overall survival with standard of care, less than half of patients receive SOC treatment
In a Clinical Practice Guideline published online Oct. 12 in the Journal of Global Oncology

Recommendations for Secondary Prevention of Cervical Cancer

HPV DNA testing recommended in all resource settings; HIV+ should undergo screening more often
Women vaccinated with earlier versions of the human papillomavirus vaccine may only need cervical cancer screening every five years starting at age 25 or 30

Less Frequent Cervical CA Screens May Be OK After HPV Vaccine

Less testing could reduce risk of false-positives and save money, researchers say