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Tag: Cancer: Breast

The American Society of Clinical Oncology has endorsed the Cancer Care Ontario recommendations on the role of patient and disease factors in selecting adjuvant therapy for early-stage breast cancer

ASCO Endorses Cancer Care Ontario Breast Cancer Guidelines

Several patient, disease factors should be considered for adjuvant therapy for early breast cancer
Interpretation of a single breast biopsy slide per case predicts low likelihood of verification for diagnosis of atypia or ductal carcinoma in situ

Low Likelihood for Atypia, DCIS Verification With Single Slide

Highly probable verification for invasive breast cancer and benign without atypia diagnoses
The number of U.S. breast cancer patients choosing to have a healthy breast removed has tripled in the past decade

Preventive Mastectomies Triple for U.S. Women Over Past Decade

Patients increasingly opt to have the healthy breast removed, despite limited benefit
The CYP3A7*1C allele appears to be associated with mortality and disease progression in specific cancers

CYP3A7*1C Allele Linked to Cancer Mortality, Progression

Associated with adverse outcomes in breast cancer, lung cancer, chronic lymphocytic leukemia
The 21-gene recurrence score (Oncotype DX) seems to accurately identify women with early-stage breast cancer who don't need chemotherapy

Gene Test IDs Breast CA Patients Who May Not Need Chemo

Analysis can help women who won't benefit from additional treatment to avoid side effects
Women with diabetes who take insulin appear to have a higher incidence of dense breasts

Insulin Treatment May Up Breast Density in Diabetes Patients

Women on insulin might need extra breast cancer screening
The drug combination of lapatinib (Tykerb) and trastuzumab (Herceptin) induces tumor regression or disappearance in 25 percent of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive cancers in 11 days

Lapatinib + Trastuzumab May Rapidly Shrink Breast Tumors

Researchers say combo therapy works well for about one in four women with HER2+ breast cancer
For women with early-stage breast cancer

Targeted Radiation Shows Promise in Early Breast Cancer

Limited radiotherapy effective after low-risk tumors are removed, but questions remain
For women with mammography-negative dense breasts

Breast Cancer Detection With Ultrasound Tops Tomosynthesis

False-positive recall rate similar; findings in women with mammography-negative dense breasts
Presurgery high neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio is a prognostic variable of worse outcome in Caucasian patients with early breast cancer

High Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio Prognostic in Breast Cancer

High NLR linked to worse prognosis in Caucasian patients with early breast cancer