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Tag: Cancer: Breast

Even a high-fat Mediterranean diet may protect against breast cancer

High-Fat Mediterranean Diet Can Still Be Healthy

Diet may protect against diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and breast cancer
Excessive stress can lead to memory problems among breast cancer survivors

Exercise Can Improve Memory in Breast Cancer Survivors

Moderate physical activity can ease stress that impairs memory
Neratinib and veliparib-carboplatin appear to be effective in women with specific subtypes of breast cancer

Neratinib Active in HER2-Positive, HR-Negative Breast Cancer

And higher pathologic complete response for veliparib-carboplatin in triple-negative breast cancer
In patients with early breast cancer

Candesartan Doesn’t Prevent Trastuzumab Cardiotoxicity

Cumulative incidence of cardiac events not significantly different with candesartan, placebo
There is evidence that the position a woman is placed in during preoperative breast magnetic resonance imaging could influence the scan's accuracy

Pre-Op Breast MRI Affected by Patient Positioning

Prone position might introduce error
For patients with early-stage breast cancer with no preexisting metabolic syndrome (MetS)

Chemo Ups Metabolic Syndrome Risk in Early-Stage Breast Cancer

Significantly increased risk of metabolic syndrome components and overall MetS score
For postmenopausal women

Fatty Acid Fractions in Breast Adipose Tissue May ID Carcinoma

Fatty acid fractions may be linked to invasive ductal carcinoma in postmenopausal women
Black breast cancer survivors in the United States are less likely than white or Hispanic women to get follow-up genetic screening and surgeries that can help prevent cancer recurrence

ASCO: Follow-Up Care Lacking for Black Women With Breast Cancer

Genetic testing, risk-reducing surgery more likely for whites, Hispanics
For patients with non-metastatic breast cancer

Exercise Cuts Cardiac Events in Non-Metastatic Breast Cancer

Incidence of cardiovascular events down across increasing total MET-h/week categories
For postmenopausal women with breast cancer

ASCO: Extension of Aromatase Inhibitor Tx Benefits Breast CA

Extension of aromatase inhibitor treatment to 10 years linked to higher rates of disease-free survival