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Tag: Cancer: Breast

The original classifications of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 categorization by fluorescent in situ hybridization have been supported by recent data

Novel Findings Support Original Categorization of HER2

ASCO-CAP guidelines support categorization of HER2 by FISH status used in BCIRG clinical trials
For women aged 50 years and older

Benefits, Harms of Breast Cancer Screening Vary With Risk, Density

For all screening intervals, benefits and over-diagnosis increase with breast density, relative risk
The activity of two genes may help predict certain breast cancer patients' odds of survival and guide their treatment

F12, STC2 Genes May Help Predict Breast Cancer Survival

Tracking DNA activity patterns may someday help women with HER2+ breast cancers
New surgery guidelines for treatment of women with ductal carcinoma in situ who undergo breast-conserving surgery with whole breast radiation could reduce both unnecessary surgeries and recurrence rates

New Guidelines Set Safe Surgery Margins for DCIS

2 mm is enough to guard against recurrences while reducing need for additional surgeries
For patients with estrogen receptor-positive metastatic breast cancer

ESR1 Mutations Tied to Worse Survival in Metastatic Breast CA

ESR1 mutations prevalent in ER-positive metastatic breast cancer and linked to shorter survival
Overweight and obese women who eat a Western-style diet may develop more dense breast tissue

Western Diet May Contribute to Dense Breasts

In study, women who ate such a diet also had 46 percent higher risk of breast cancer
Contralateral prophylactic mastectomy should generally be discouraged in average-risk women

ASBS: Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy Discouraged

For most women, risk of disease in unaffected breast is low, American Society of Breast Surgeons says
For women with newly diagnosed breast cancer

Online Communication Tied to Positive Appraisal of Tx Decisions

More frequent online users more positively appraise their decision making in breast cancer
For women with ductal carcinoma in situ

Radiotherapy Use for DCIS Tied to Subsequent Mastectomy Risk

Women with DCIS in area with high RT use have higher odds of mastectomy at time of second event
Women who undergo in vitro fertilization are not at increased risk of breast cancer

IVF Treatment Does Not Appear to Increase Breast Cancer Risk

Women who had seven or more IVF cycles had lower risk for breast cancer