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Tag: Cancer: Breast

A low-fat dietary intervention is associated with reductions in deaths after breast cancer and deaths from breast cancer among postmenopausal women after long-term follow-up

ASCO: Low-Fat Dietary Pattern Cuts Breast Cancer Deaths

Significant reduction in deaths from breast cancer after cumulative follow-up of 19.6 years
Use of an electrical current to measure extracellular fluid volume -- bioimpedance spectroscopy -- may identify postoperative breast cancer patients at risk for lymphedema at an earlier stage

Bioimpedance Spectroscopy May Identify Lymphedema Earlier

Surveillance with the technology may allow earlier detection, more effective treatment for lymphedema
New recommendations have been developed for breast cancer screening based on a life-years-gained model; the American Society of Breast Surgeons official statement was published online May 3.

New Recommendations Developed for Breast Cancer Screening

Guideline based on individual breast cancer risk profile, with specific screening strategies
As the clinic day progresses

Rate of Ordering Cancer Screening Tests Decreases During Clinic Day

Rate of patient completion of cancer screening tests also decreases with appointment later in the day
Mammography-based deep learning breast cancer risk models are more accurate than models that consider traditional risk factors and breast density

Mammo-Based Deep Learning Model Assesses Breast Cancer Risk

Deep learning models more accurate than models that use traditional risk factors, breast density
EndoPredict is prognostic for distant recurrence in women with estrogen receptor-positive

Test Predicts Benefit of Chemo in ER+, HER2− Breast Cancer

EndoPredict, a multigene test, helps predict whether adjuvant chemotherapy would be beneficial
Complication rates for nipple-sparing mastectomy are decreasing despite expanded indications for the procedure among higher-risk patients

Less Invasive Mastectomy an Option for More Patients

Higher-risk patients may now be eligible for nipple-sparing mastectomy
For patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced breast cancer

New Lesions ID’d on Breast MRI During Treatment Likely Benign

New suspicious lesions detected on breast MRI during neoadjuvant therapy are more likely benign
Although most believe that the correlation between breast pain and breast cancer is weak

Clinicians Believe Link Between Breast Pain, Cancer Is Weak

But many order imaging to exclude malignancy or for reassurance only
Elderly patients with lung cancer

Lifetime Risk for Brain Mets Up in Elderly With Three Common Cancers

Highest incidence seen for patients with non-small cell lung cancer and triple-negative breast cancer