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Tag: Cancer: Breast

There is no significant difference in breast cancer detection rates with dense breast ultrasound screening following digital mammography versus digital breast tomosynthesis

Cancer Yield Similar for Dense Breast Ultrasound After DM, DBT

Detection rates for additional cancers similar after digital mammography, digital breast tomosynthesis
At least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity is associated with lower all-cause mortality among postmenopausal breast cancer patients

Physical Activity After Cancer Diagnosis Improves Survival

Findings seen among postmenopausal breast cancer patients regardless of activity level prediagnosis
For patients with obesity

Bariatric Surgery in Obese Patients May Lower Cancer Risk

Among genetically predisposed, breast cancer rate higher in those who did not opt for bariatric surgery
Anticipated future shortages of oncology providers may have a serious and specific impact on women's health care

U.S. Oncologist Shortage May Impact Women’s Health

Major U.S. cities are expected to have a shortage of oncologists
For older patients with ductal carcinoma in situ who undergo breast-conserving surgery

No Benefit Seen for SLNB in BCS for DCIS in Older Women

Long-term outcomes similar with, without sentinel lymph node biopsy in breast-conserving surgery
The combination of anthracyclines and radiotherapy doses to treat childhood cancer is associated with an increased risk for subsequent breast cancer

Childhood Cancer Treatment Increases Risk for Breast Cancer Later

Additive risk seen between combined anthracyclines and radiotherapy doses to the breast
For each month of delay between diagnosis and surgery for ductal carcinoma in situ

Delay of Surgery for DCIS Ups Risk for Invasive Breast Cancer

Each month delay increases risk for invasive cancer by 1 percent
For women with primary breast cancer

Prediagnosis Exercise May Reduce CV Risk in Breast Cancer

Incidence of composite cardiovascular events decreased across increasing total MET hours/week
For patients with metastatic breast cancer

Patient Cost Responsibility Up for Guideline-Discordant Care

Guideline-discordant tx linked to $1,841 higher patient costs in first year in metastatic breast cancer

Multigene Testing for All Breast Cancer Patients Cost-Effective

Findings support expansion of genetic testing to all women with breast cancer