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Tag: Cancer: Breast

AI Could Improve Diagnostic Accuracy of Breast DCE-MRI


Deep learning system improves diagnostic accuracy of DCE-MRI for breast tissue, which potentially could reduce unnecessary biopsies

Response to Neoadjuvant Chemo for Breast Cancer Varies by Sex


Men have lower rates of pathologic complete response than women across tumor subtypes

Breast Cancer Incidence Slowly Increased in Recent Years


Breast cancer mortality has decreased, with persistent racial disparity in breast cancer mortality

Radiographers Read Mammograms for UK Double Reading Program


Cancer detection rate, recall rate, and positive predictive value similar for radiologists, trained radiographers as first readers

Response to Neoadjuvant Endocrine Therapy for Breast Cancer May Vary by Race


Race is a significant predictor of downstaging in HR+ breast cancer after adjustment for duration of NET, clinical stage

AI Assistance May Improve Accuracy of Breast Cancer Screening


Sensitivity increased for subgroups with small lesion sizes, invasive carcinomas

Batwing Mastopexy Performed in Immediate Breast Reconstruction


Complication rates comparable for women receiving concurrent batwing mastopexy, standard implant-based reconstruction

More Physical Activity, Less Sitting May Cut Breast Cancer Risk


Lifelong physical activity or sedentary time, assessed by genotype, may be associated with risk for breast cancer

Fertility Preservation Not Linked to Relapse, Mortality in Breast Cancer


Adjusted rate of disease-specific mortality and relapse similar for those with and without exposure to hormones

Postop Breast MRI Features May Predict Risk for Second Breast Cancer


Background parenchymal enhancement at surveillance breast MRI linked to increased risk for future second breast cancer