Tag: Caffeine / Coffee / Tea
AHA: Daily Cup of Tea May Boost Cardiovascular Health
Regular drinkers had fewer heart attacks, less calcium build-up in their arteries
Drinking Coffee May Slow Progression of Liver Disease
Appears to delay disease progression and increase post-transplantation survival
Reduced Mortality Risk Seen for Coffee Drinkers
Regular coffee and decaf consumption linked to survival benefits in study
No Link for Coffee Consumption and Atrial Fibrillation
True even among those with the highest levels of coffee consumption
Drinking Coffee May Cut Risk of Death in Stage III Colon Cancer
Patients consuming ≥4 cups/day of caffeinated coffee have lower recurrence, mortality risk
Coffee Habits Linked to Odds of Mild Cognitive Impairment
Higher risk for older individuals who never or rarely consume coffee, and those who increased amount
Chamomile Linked to Longevity for Mexican-American Women
But study did not determine quantity consumed; only found an association, not cause-and-effect link
Inverse Link for Coffee Intake, Cholecystectomy Risk
Association for premenopausal women, those using HRT but not for other women or for men
Caffeine Intake Linked to Lower Risk of Erectile Dysfunction
Study suggests caffeine may help maintain healthy blood flow and sexual function
Case Study: Iced Tea Habit Likely Led to Man’s Kidney Failure
Patient drank 16 glasses a day, which probably contributed to health issues, researchers suggest