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Tag: Caffeine / Coffee / Tea

Drinking coffee is linked to longevity

Regular Coffee Consumption May Help Extend Lifespan

Two large studies show potential benefits of coffee; one looked at consumption in all races
Regularly drinking coffee or herbal tea may help prevent chronic liver disease

Coffee, Herbal Tea Consumption May Protect Against Liver Disease

Frequent coffee and herbal tea consumption inversely associated with liver stiffness
Consumption of energy drinks is associated with significantly higher corrected QT interval and systolic blood pressure than consumption of caffeine alone

Higher QT Interval After Energy Drink Consumption Vs. Caffeine

Higher corrected QT interval and systolic blood pressure after energy drink versus caffeine alone
Coffee consumption speeds the time to bowel movement after complete staging surgery of gynecologic cancers

Coffee Speeds Time to Bowel Movement After Gynecologic Sx

Findings for patients after complete staging surgery
Caffeine may help reduce the type of inflammation that's linked to cardiovascular disease risk factors

Caffeine Found to Reduce Age-Related Inflammation

Connection between advancing age, systemic inflammation, cardiovascular disease and caffeine
Improving sleep may help reduce an individual's sugar-sweetened

Shorter Sleep Linked to Sugar-Sweetened Drink Consumption

Researchers don't know if beverages impair sleep or lack of sleep prompts cravings
Eating a Mediterranean diet and consuming caffeine may lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration

AAO: Fruit-Rich Mediterranean Diet, Caffeine May Cut AMD Risk

Researchers found both linked to lower risk of age-related macular degeneration
Caffeine doesn't appear to increase the risk of arrhythmias in patients with heart failure

Arrhythmias Not Induced by Caffeine in Heart Failure Patients

Stress test didn't show short-term changes after coffee drinking
After adjustment for confounding variables there is no correlation between the risk of Barrett's esophagus and tea or coffee consumption

No Link for Tea, Coffee Intake With Barrett’s Esophagus

Associations seen in univariate analysis, but no correlation after adjustment for confounders
Individuals who consume about six cups of coffee a day are almost one-third less likely to develop multiple sclerosis than non-drinkers

Heavy Coffee Consumption May Lower Risk of Multiple Sclerosis

Those who average six cups a day are almost one-third less likely to have MS