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Tag: Caffeine / Coffee / Tea

Metabolomic profiling highlights potential mechanisms to explain coffee's health effects

Novel Metabolites Provide Insight to Health Benefits of Coffee

Findings may provide insight into mechanisms behind coffee's health effects
Individuals who consume hot tea daily may have a lower risk of developing glaucoma

Hot Tea Consumption Tied to Lower Odds of Glaucoma

Those who drink caffeinated hot tea daily have 74 percent decreased odds of having glaucoma
Coffee consumption seems safe and is associated with reduced risk for various health outcomes

Coffee Consumption Appears to Provide More Benefit Than Harm

Largest relative reduction in health outcomes seen with intake of three to four cups/day versus none
Increased coffee intake is associated with reduced risk of heart failure and stroke

AHA: Drinking Coffee May Cut Risk of Heart Failure, Stroke

Each additional cup consumed per week tied to a decrease in risk compared with no coffee intake
Caffeine consumption appears to have a dose-dependent protective effect against mortality in chronic kidney disease patients

ASN: Caffeine Associated With Reduced Mortality in CKD

Chronic kidney disease patients in highest quartile of caffeine consumption have lowest risk for mortality
There appears to be an inverse association between coffee intake and protein markers linked to cardiovascular disease

Inverse Association Seen for Coffee Drinking, Markers of CVD

Leptin, chitinase-3-like protein 1 are linked to CVD, may decrease with higher coffee intake
For women with diabetes

Caffeine Tied to Lower Mortality in Women With Diabetes

Women who consumed caffeine from coffee had reduced risk of all-cause, cardiovascular deaths
Coffee is associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality

Coffee Consumption Linked to Improved Longevity

Four cups a day could reduce risk by 64 percent, researchers say
Extended wakefulness prior to surgery significantly enhances postoperative pain behaviors and extends recovery time after surgery

Sleep, Caffeine Use May Play Role in Post-Op Pain

Caffeine at onset of sleep deprivation might help prevent increase in post-op hypersensitivity
Caffeine accelerates emergence from anesthesia

Caffeine Accelerates Emergence From Anesthesia

Caffeine accelerates emergence, even at high level of anesthetic; acts via two mechanisms