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Tag: Caffeine / Coffee / Tea

Calls to Poison Centers on the Rise for Pediatric Exposures to Caffeine Energy Products


17 percent increase in the exposure rate seen for 2011 to 2023

Risk for Head and Neck Cancer Lower for Coffee and Tea Drinkers


More than four cups of caffeinated coffee daily inversely associated with HNC, oral cavity cancer, and oropharyngeal cancers

Coffee Intake During Pregnancy Not Linked to Neurodevelopmental Issues


Findings similar in both observation and Mendelian randomization analyses

Caffeine, Coffee Linked to Lower Cardiometabolic Multimorbidity Risk


Habitual caffeine or coffee intake, especially at moderate levels, linked to lower risk for new-onset CM

High, Long-Term Consumption of Caffeine May Pose Cardiovascular Risk


Impaired recovery of heart rate and blood pressure following physical exertion seen in healthy adults

Caffeine Restriction Can Improve, Reduce Severity of Bed-Wetting


Reduction seen in the mean number of incidents with caffeine reduction, and significant reduction in enuresis severity

Higher Consumption of Coffee, Tea Linked to Lower Physical Frailty


Higher consumption of caffeine at midlife linked to reduced likelihood of physical frailty in later life among Chinese adults

Caffeinated Coffee Does Not Increase Daily Premature Atrial Contractions


Caffeinated coffee intake linked to more daily premature ventricular contractions, more daily steps, less nightly sleep

Causal Link ID’d for Plasma Caffeine Concentration With Adiposity


Higher genetically predicted plasma caffeine concentrations linked to lower risk for type 2 diabetes, with 43 percent of effect mediated by BMI

High Coffee Intake Linked to CVD Mortality in Severe Hypertension


No association seen for people with optimal and normal BP, high-normal BP, grade 1 hypertension