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Tag: Breast-Feeding

mRNA From COVID-19 Vaccines Not Detectable in Breast Milk


Authors say lactating women receiving a COVID-19 vaccine do not need to stop breastfeeding

Providing Infant Carrier May Up Breastfeeding at Six Months


Parents receiving ergonomic infant carrier, instructions on proper use more likely to breastfeed at six months postpartum

Vaccinating Lactating Mothers May Protect Infants From COVID-19


Anti-spike protein IgG and IgA levels in breast milk significantly elevated from baseline at 80 days after maternal COVID-19 vaccination

Los bebés amamantados quizá sean adolescentes mejor ajustados

COVID-19 Vaccine Likely Safe for Lactating Women


However, Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine calls for lactating women to be included in trials

Cow’s Milk Intake While Breastfeeding May Cut Child Food Allergies


Findings based on food allergies diagnosed in offspring by age 12 months

12/9 -- Despite Hurdles

Rooming-In, Breastfeeding Feasible With Maternal SARS-CoV-2


Rooming-in, breastfeeding can be practiced in women who are able to care for their infants, with low postnatal transmission

Breastfeeding Linked to Fewer Behavioral Difficulties for Children


Fewer parent-reported behavioral problems observed with longer duration of breastfeeding

Adequate nursing resources during labor and birth aid maternal and infant health outcomes

Adequate Staffing During Labor, Delivery Boosts Outcomes

Findings link nursing care to skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding, recovery care
Avoiding cow's milk formula supplementation at birth may prevent asthma or recurrent wheeze in young children

Avoiding Cow’s Milk Baby Formula May Cut Asthma, Wheezing Later

Avoiding supplementation with cow's milk formula for at least the first three days of life may lower risk
Most pediatric practitioners do not counsel families to wait three days or longer between introducing new foods for infants

Many Pediatric Practitioners Do Not Advise Waiting Between New Foods

About two-thirds of practitioners do recommend waiting between foods for infants at risk for food allergy