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Tag: Breast-Feeding

Breastfeeding is associated with a reduced risk of childhood leukemia compared to the risk for children who were never breastfed

Breastfeeding Tied to Lower Odds of Childhood Leukemia

One more potential benefit for breastfed babies, research suggests
While the percentage of hospitals that send breastfeeding mothers home with formula packs has fallen dramatically during the last several years

Fewer U.S. Hospitals Sending New Moms Home With Formula

But CDC survey finds one-third continue the practice, which can undermine breastfeeding efforts
Fewer new mothers have been prescribed codeine since public health officials warned about a rare

Codeine Rx for New Mothers Trending Down

Rx poses danger for ultra-rapid codeine metabolizers who breastfeed
Women who breastfeed their babies and later develop breast cancer are less likely to have the cancer return or be terminal than women who do not breastfeed

Breastfeeding Linked to Better Breast Cancer Outcomes for Mom

Strongest benefit seen in most common types of tumors, researchers say
About 10 percent of online human milk samples tested were contaminated with cow's milk in a recent study published online April 6 in Pediatrics.

Online Human Milk Samples May Contain Cow’s Milk

Untested samples may also harbor bacteria, viruses, experts say
Serious adverse drug reactions can occur after bromocriptine use in lactation inhibition

Serious Adverse Drug Reactions Still Occur With Bromocriptine

Most frequent ADRs were cardiovascular; misuse was identified in most of these cases
A new breastfeeding toolkit is available

AAFP Issues Comprehensive Breastfeeding Toolkit

Toolkit is comprehensive resource; includes HHS business case for employer support of breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is associated with improved performance in intelligence tests at age 30

Breastfeeding Linked to Improved IQ at Age 30

Durations of total, predominant breastfeeding linked to IQ, educational attainment, income
Some bodybuilders are drinking human breast milk in the mistaken belief it will give a boost to their muscles.
For infants with atopic dermatitis

Human Breast Milk Effective for Infants With Atopic Dermatitis

Topical application of breast milk found to be as effective as hydrocortisone 1 percent ointment