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For older community-dwelling women

Resistance Training May Cut White Matter Lesion Progression

Findings among community-dwelling older women randomized to RT or balance and tone
People over 65 who eat more fish

Larger Brain Volume Associated With Mediterranean Diet

Seniors who ate more foods tied to the eating plan, especially fish, had more volume
Neonatal hypoglycemia seems not to be associated with adverse neurologic outcomes when the condition is treated to maintain a certain blood glucose concentration

Glucose Threshold Suggested for Neonatal Hypoglycemia

No adverse outcome when hypoglycemia treated to maintain blood glucose concentration of ≥47 mg/dL
Computerized cognitive training improves cognitive deficits associated with pediatric cancer treatment

Computerized Tool Aids Cognitive Deficits in Cancer Survivors

Findings based on small study of childhood cancer survivors with treatment-related deficits
For patients with traumatic brain injury

Hypothermia Doesn’t Cut Intracranial Pressure in TBI

Therapeutic hypothermia plus standard care doesn't improve outcome over standard care alone
A "depression switch" has been mapped during intraoperative deep brain stimulation of the subcallosal cingulate

‘Depression Switch’ Identified During Deep Brain Stimulation

Unique connectivity patterns identify potential depression switch in tx-resistant depression
An implanted cranial nerve stimulation device might improve sleep patterns and quality of life for patients with sleep apnea

Cranial Nerve Stimulation Shows Promise As Sleep Apnea Tx

For some, it might work better than continuous positive airway pressure
Continuous positive airway pressure treatment can lead to brain stem activity changes associated with restored sympathetic drive in patients with obstructive sleep apnea

CPAP in OSA Linked to Beneficial Activity in Brain Stem

In small study, continuous positive airway pressure linked with restored sympathetic drive
Functional magnetic resonance imaging might someday help psychiatrists quickly determine which antipsychotic drugs work best for patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder

fMRI May Take Guesswork Out of Schizophrenia Rx

Personalized approach could eliminate trial-and-error, hasten critical time to treatment
The latest data from a brain bank that focuses on traumatic head injury show that 87 of 91 deceased former National Football League players tested positive for chronic traumatic encephalopathy.

Researchers Find 96 Percent of Deceased NFL Players Had CTE

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy seen in 79 percent of all football players studied