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While patients with three or four heart risk factors should still be given a β-blocker before surgery

Pre-Op β-Blockers May Work Against Heart-Healthy Patients

But those with three or four heart risk factors may benefit from getting β-blockers

American Society of Hypertension, May 15-19

The American Society of Hypertension 30th Annual Scientific Meeting and Exposition The annual meeting of the American Society of Hypertension was held from...
In normotensive young adults

Impact of Sodium, Potassium Intake Varies With BP

Increase in sodium/potassium ratio linked to increase in LV mass in young adults with pre-, hypertension
Levels of maternal plasma amino terminal propeptide of C-type natriuretic peptide may be useful in defining phenotypes associated with pre-eclampsia in late pregnancy

Maternal C-Type Natriuretic Peptide Tied to Pre-Eclampsia

In late pregnancy, NTproCNP associated with diastolic and mean arterial pressure
Three leading groups of heart experts have issued updated guidelines that set blood pressure goals for people with coronary artery disease. The updated guidelines

New Guidelines Issued for BP Mgmt in Coronary Artery Disease

Aim is more flexibility for those with heart disease, doctors say
A physician/pharmacist collaborative model can improve mean blood pressure

Physician/Pharmacist Model Can Improve Mean BP

BP control no better in overall cohort, but improved for participants from racial minority groups
The overall death rate from hypertension in the United States has increased 23 percent since 2000

CDC: Hypertension-Related Deaths on the Rise in U.S.

Most marked increases seen in those aged 45 to 64 and those over 85
Vitamin D supplementation is not associated with a reduction in blood pressure

Review: No Blood Pressure Lowering Effect for Vitamin D

No reductions in systolic, diastolic BP in trial-level analysis, individual patient data analysis
For patients with hypertension

ACC: Enalapril + Folic Acid Cuts Stroke Risk in Hypertension

Study in Chinese population shows reduced risk of first stroke with combined use of enalapril, folic acid
As part of American Heart Month

AMA: Use American Heart Month to Focus on Patients’ BP

AMA provides three questions for physicians to ask when measuring blood pressure