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The general fertility rate declined to 59.1 births per 1

General Fertility Rate Declined in United States in 2018

Birth rate increased for women aged 35 to 44 years, decreased 7 percent among those aged 15 to 19
Life expectancy has increased slightly in the United States

CDC: U.S. Life Expectancy Up Slightly, Mortality Lower in 2017

Report shows decrease in age-adjusted death rates, increase in age-adjusted death rate from overdose
Intrauterine growth restriction protects against allergic diseases

Lower Birth Weight May Protect Against Allergies

However, effects might differ between allergic diseases
From 2014 to 2018

2014 to 2018 Saw Decrease in Twin Birth Rate in U.S.

Four percent decrease to 32.6 twins per 1,000 total births marked lowest rate in more than a decade
Higher maternal hemoglobin A1c levels are associated with increased risk for stillbirth among women with type 1 diabetes

HbA1c, BMI Linked to Stillbirth Risk in Women With Diabetes

About one-third of stillbirths occur at term, with highest rates at week 38 and 39 for T1DM and T2DM
From 2017 to 2018

CDC: General Fertility Rate, Teen Birth Rate Decreasing in U.S.

However, from 2017 to 2018, increase seen in percentage of births delivered preterm and early term
From 2000 to 2015

Estimated Prevalence of Low Birth Weight Down Since 2000

However, average annual reduction rate of 1.23 percent insufficient to reach global targets
From 2000 to 2015

Estimated Prevalence of Low Birth Weight Down Since 2000

However, average annual reduction rate of 1.23 percent insufficient to reach global targets
The number of births reached a new low in 2018

CDC: Number of Births in U.S. Reached New Low in 2018

General fertility rate and total fertility rate also dropped to record lows in 2018
Apgar scores of 7

Neonatal Morbidity Increased for Apgar Scores 7, 8, and 9

Odds of neonatal morbidity increase with drop in Apgar score from 10 at 5 minutes to 9 at 10 minutes