Tag: Birth
Moms2B Program Seeks to Improve Pregnancy, Infant Outcomes
Community-based program targets urban neighborhoods with high rates of infant mortality
Fresh Embryos May Yield More Live Births From Donor Eggs
Findings seen for fresh compared to cryopreserved-thawed embryo transfers during IVF cycles using freshly retrieved donor eggs
Baby Girl Born From Embryo Frozen for 27 Years
Birth was the result of an embryo being frozen in October 1992 and thawed in February 2020
Higher Temperatures Linked to Poorer Birth Outcomes
Higher temperatures tied to increased odds of preterm birth, reduced birth weight, stillbirth
Water-Based Births as Safe as Traditional Births
Hospital-based water births had no higher risk for neonatal intensive care unit admission
Exposure to Air Pollutants, Heat Linked to Pregnancy Outcomes
PM2.5 and ozone exposure associated with elevated risk for preterm birth, low birth weight
CDC: Number of Births, General Fertility Rate in U.S. Down in 2019
General fertility rate for women aged 15 to 44, total fertility rate decreased to record lows in 2019
Higher Birth Weight May Improve Cardiorespiratory Fitness Later
Findings seen in large cohort of men born at-term, regardless of body mass index, in young adulthood
Infertility Risk Increased for Men Born Small for Gestational Age
Link weakened after excluding those born with hypospadias, cryptorchidism; no link seen in women
Rates of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Remain High in U.S.
Highest rates of neonatal abstinence syndrome seen in lowest income quartile, rural areas, Northeast