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Tag: Birth Control

One-third of women of reproductive age report better ability to access birth control and family planning services with Medicaid expansion coverage

Medicaid Expansion Ups Access to Family Planning Services

1 in 3 women of reproductive age report better ability to access birth control, family planning services
Amid lawsuits and plummeting sales for its Essure birth control device

Bayer Stops U.S. Sale of Essure Birth Control Implant

Problems with device include chronic pain and perforations of the uterus and fallopian tubes
Almost 170

Birth Control Pills Recalled Over Potential Pregnancy Risk

Active capsules and inactive placebos may have been packaged out of order
Most adolescent and young adult women report high satisfaction with intrauterine device insertion

Most Teens, Young Women Satisfied With IUD Insertion

Odds of high satisfaction reduced for adolescents, those who had never had gynecologic exam
Long-acting reversible contraceptives are suitable for use by adolescents

Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives Good for Teens

Higher efficacy, continuation rates, and satisfaction rates for LARC versus short-acting contraceptives
To help curb complications tied to the permanent contraceptive implant Essure

FDA Puts New Restrictions on Contraceptive Implant Essure

Patients and physicians must sign acknowledgment of risks, benefits of implantation
Women in insurance plans with the greatest drop in out-of-pocket cost after the Affordable Care Act's contraceptive mandate had the greatest gains in intrauterine device placement

Number of IUD Insertions Up After ACA Contraceptive Mandate

Increase in use depends on the amount of reduction in out-of-pocket costs
Daily oral administration of dimethandrolone undecanoate is well tolerated and is associated with reduced serum testosterone levels into the hypogonadal range

ENDO: Drug Shows Promise As Effective Male Birth Control

Dimethandrolone undecanoate lowers testosterone; well tolerated, mild effects of weight gain, lower HDL
Women who currently or recently used contemporary hormonal contraceptives have increased risk of breast cancer

Breast CA Risk Up With Recent Hormonal Contraceptive Use

Findings from nationwide study in Denmark show small absolute increase in breast cancer risk
Long-acting reversible contraceptives

New ACOG Guidance on Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives

Insertion of IUD should be offered after first-trimester uterine aspiration, on same day as abortion