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Tag: Birth Control

FDA Advisers OK Approval of First Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill


AMA, AAFP, ACOG, and other medical organizations already support OTC access to hormonal contraception without age restrictions

FDA Experts to Consider First Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill


But some FDA officials have expressed concern that people will not use the pill appropriately or clearly understand its risks

Link Found Between Contraception-Related Depression, Postpartum Depression


Women with hormonal contraception-associated depression have higher risk for postpartum depression than those with non-hormonal contraception-associated depression

Feds to Toughen Rules on Privacy Around Abortion, Contraceptive Services


Latest action would prohibit using or disclosing protected health information to investigate patients or their doctors

IUD Placement at Two to Four Weeks Postpartum Noninferior


Placement at two to four weeks postpartum noninferior to six to eight weeks postpartum for complete expulsion

Slight Increase in Breast Cancer Risk Seen With Progestogen-Only Contraceptives


Increased relative risks noted for current or recent use of oral, injected, implanted, IUD progestogen-only contraceptives

More States Are Allowing Pharmacists to Prescribe Birth Control


Easier access to birth control helps women who live far from a health care provider or have difficulty obtaining appointments

Combined Oral Contraceptives Do Not Seem to Worsen Macromastia


Amount of breast tissue resected during mammaplasty smaller among adolescents with macromastia using combined oral contraceptive pill

Minnesota Trial Focuses on Pharmacist Who Refused to Provide Morning-After Pill


Case is from 2019, but the issue has been at the center of political debate in the United States since the overturn of Roe v. Wade in June

Global Study Shows Contraception Needs Often Unmet for Young Women


43.2 million women aged 15 to 24 years had unmet need for contraception in 2019