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A 10-mL 1 percent lidocaine paracervical nerve block reduces pain during intrauterine device insertion

Lidocaine Nerve Block Reduces Pain During IUD Insertion

Pain score lower among patients who receive lidocaine than those who receive placebo
Oral contraceptive use is associated with reduced risk of rheumatoid arthritis

Oral Contraceptive Use Linked to Lower Rheumatoid Arthritis Risk

Risk of RA down, especially ACPA-positive RA, where interaction with smoking was seen
Recommendations for counseling adolescents about contraception are presented in a committee opinion published in the August issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology.

ACOG Issues Guidelines for Teen Contraception Counseling

Ob-gyns should address contraceptive needs, expectations, and concerns, regardless of patient age
One lot of Mibelas 24 Fe birth control pills has been recalled due to a packaging error that could put users at risk of unintended pregnancy

Birth Control Pills Recalled Due to Danger of Unintended Pregnancy

Blister pack is rotated 180 degrees within the wallet, reversing the weekly tablet orientation
Although rates of repeat births among teens are on the decline

CDC: United States Still Faces Too Many Repeat Teen Births

Too few teens use the most-effective birth control after having a first baby
Women with congenital heart disease use a spectrum of contraceptive methods

Contraceptive Use Up for Women With Congenital Heart Disease

Barrier, oral contraception methods are preferred; <50 percent receive contraception counseling
For women with diabetes who are using hormonal contraception

Low Thromboembolism Risk for Contraceptive Use in Diabetes

Among women with diabetes, lowest rates seen with use of intrauterine and subdermal contraceptives
For patients undergoing intrauterine device insertion

Naproxen Sodium Doesn’t Reduce Pain With IUD Insertion

No decrease in pain with intrauterine device insertion, but reduction noted in pain after insertion
A contraceptive injection for men shows some promise

Male Contraceptive Effective, but Side Effects Problematic

Injections as effective as other contraceptives, but side effects prompted early halt of trial
Women who use hormonal methods for birth control may have a higher risk of developing depression -- and teenagers may be most vulnerable

Hormonal Contraception May Raise Depression Risk

Study also ties hormonal patches, IUDs to greater antidepressant use, especially in teens