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Children who meet sleep and screen time recommendations have lower levels of impulsivity

Impulsivity Lower When Children Meet Sleep, Screen Time Guides

Children who meet sleep and recreational screen time recommendations have lower impulsivity
During the first year of university life

Male Students Affected More by Poor Diet in First Year of College

While poor diet, weight gain seen among both sexes, males show greater adverse changes
Patients whose surgeons have higher numbers of coworker reports about unprofessional behavior may be at increased risk for postsurgical complications

Surgeons’ Unprofessional Behavior Tied to Higher Complication Risk

Risk increased when four or more reports were made in the 36 months before a patient's surgery
Providing assistance for physician impairment and rehabilitation is addressed in a position statement issued by the American College of Physicians and published online June 4 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

ACP Issues Position on Response to Physician Impairment

Rehabilitated doctors should be reintegrated into practice as long as patient safety not compromised
Adolescents with higher levels of conduct disorder symptoms and greater rates of depressive symptoms have increased odds of reporting participation in the choking game

Likelihood of Engaging in Choking Game Higher in Troubled Teens

History of depression, conduct disorders in teens associated with participating in choking game
Children in lower-income households more often receive a diagnosis of mental

Mental, Behavior, Developmental Disorders Up With Low-Income

Children in lower- versus higher-income households more often diagnosed with MBDDs
For high school students

Insufficient Sleep Tied to Unsafe Behaviors in High School Students

Sleeping less than eight hours on average school night linked to increased odds of unsafe behaviors
Primary care physicians should offer or refer obese patients to intensive behavioral interventions

USPSTF Recommends Intensive Behavioral Change for Obesity

Task Force finds adequate evidence that multi-part interventions can improve weight status
Parents' use of digital devices may exacerbate their child's poor behavior

Parents’ Technology Use Can Negatively Impact Children

'Technoference' can lead to children's hyperactivity, whining, sulking, tantrums
Parental incarceration is associated with lower health care use and unhealthy behaviors among adolescents and young adults

Parental Incarceration Linked to Unhealthy Behaviors in Teens

History of mother and father incarceration linked to forgone health care, prescription drug abuse