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Children with autism spectrum disorder have a significantly greater mean depth of ultrasonographic penetration

Mean Depth of Ultrasonographic Penetration Greater in Autism

Greater depth in first trimester versus developmental delay group, typical development group
For adults with autism spectrum disorder

Cognitive Enhancement Therapy Beneficial for Adults With Autism

Participants treated with CET were significantly more likely to gain competitive employment
The risk of autism spectrum disorder is reduced in offspring with maternal exposure to folic acid and multivitamin supplementation before and during pregnancy

Maternal Folic Acid, Multivitamin Use May Cut ASD Risk in Offspring

Autism spectrum disorder risk lower in those whose moms took supplements before, while pregnant
Neuroanatomic abnormalities are seen in cohorts at high risk for autism spectrum disorder

Neuroanatomic Abnormalities ID’d in Those at Risk for Autism

Seen in carriers of deletion or duplication at 16p11.2, a common cause of autism spectrum disorder
Multivitamin supplementation during pregnancy is tied to a reduced risk of autism spectrum disorder with intellectual disability

Maternal Multivitamin Use Tied to Lower Risk of Child ASD

Lower odds of offspring autism spectrum disorder with or without additional iron or folic acid
Carriers of a deletion or duplication at 16p11.2 have neuroanatomic abnormalities

Neuroanatomic Anomalies for Deletion, Duplication at 16p11.2

Deletion or duplication carriers have abnormalities, linked to cognitive, behavioral impairment
Guidelines have been developed for the use of art therapy in children with autism spectrum disorder

Guidelines Developed for Art Therapy for Children With ASD

Domains of importance ID'd in surveys include art therapist's level of experience, choice of art materials
In the long-standing debate over whether antidepressants are safe to take during pregnancy

Antidepressants in Pregnancy May Contribute to Autism in Child

But difference in risk is small, researchers say

Sleeping Sickness Medication May Help Lessen ASD Symptoms

Small study produced positive results with suramin, but more research needed
There is no solid evidence that any diet changes or supplements to ease symptoms of autism spectrum disorder work

No Proof Special Diets, Supplements Work for Autism

Analysis of 19 trials turned up little evidence they actually work; more definitive research needed