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For patients with fragile X syndrome

Mavoglurant Improves Visual Attention in Fragile X Syndrome

Increases noted in total absolute looking time, number of fixations to eye region while viewing faces
Later-born siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder have elevated risk of being diagnosed with the same or the other disorder

Risk Up for Later-Born Siblings of Children With ASD, ADHD

Odds of both ASD and ADHD increased for later-born siblings of children with either diagnosis
The prevalence of ever-diagnosed autism spectrum disorder is 2.79 percent in the United States

Prevalence of Ever-Diagnosed ASD 2.79 Percent in U.S. Children

~70 percent of children with current ASD are treated; 20.3 percent receive behavioral tx and meds
Feature tagging of home videos for machine learning classification of autism spectrum disorder with the use of a mobile device produces accurate results in short time frames

Feature Tagging of Home Videos Promising in Autism Diagnosis

On mobile platform, highest accuracy seen with sparse five-feature logistic regression classifier
The prevalence of parent-reported autism spectrum disorder is estimated at 2.5 percent among U.S. children aged 3 to 17 years

Estimated 2.5 Percent of U.S. Children Diagnosed With Autism

Children with parent-reported ASD have greater health care needs, difficulty accessing care
Prenatal exposure to nitric oxide is associated with an increased risk for autism spectrum disorder

Prenatal Nitric Oxide Exposure Linked to Higher Risk for Autism

No significant link seen for ASD risk and exposure to particulate matter (PM)2.5, nitrogen dioxide
A short parent questionnaire may be able to identify gastrointestinal disorders in children with autism spectrum disorder

Short Questionnaire IDs GI Disorders in Children With Autism

17 questions for parents minimally rely on a child's ability to report pain
Prenatal exposure to most medications affecting neurotransmitter systems is not associated with estimates of autism spectrum disorder risk

Most Meds Affecting Neurotransmitters Not Linked to Autism Risk

Prenatal exposure to 5 groups of meds had nominally significant links to ASD
Stress related to social stigma may contribute to why people with autism experience more mental health problems than the general population

Social Stigma Worsens Mental Health With Autism

Research may dispel past theories that the condition contributes to mental health issues
Children with autism spectrum disorder have increased odds of overweight/obesity compared with general population controls after adjustment for child co-occurring conditions

Odds of Overweight/Obesity Up for Children With Autism

Among children with ASD, those with severe symptoms more likely to be overweight/obese