Tag: Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)
Higher Altitude Linked With Lower Rates of ADHD
Low-lying states have rates up to 16 percent, compared to 6 percent in mountain regions
Three-Quarters of Children With ADHD Take Meds
Just under one-third of children receive both meds and behavioral therapy
Prenatal Exposure to Pollutants May Affect Fetal Brain
Small study found higher risk of ADHD symptoms, other thinking and behavioral problems
Family-Centered Care Improves Outcomes in Children With ADHD
Working with families on positive, compassionate parenting skills found to be beneficial
Dietary Omega-3 Supplements Improve ADHD Symptoms
Improvement in parent-rated attention for boys with ADHD and typically developing controls
Estimates of Childhood ADHD Worldwide Differ Significantly
New research suggest about 7 percent of children worldwide have ADHD
Oxytocin in Labor Not Linked With Later ADHD in Child
Previous research with animals had suggested a possible connection
Binge Eating Curtailed by Higher Doses of ADHD Medication
Lisdexamfetamine helps lessen excessive food consumption that characterizes binge-eating